It is 2012, and high time that I embrace the technology that is available to me. This is the first of many musings I will subject all of my friends and family to.
For years now I have been told by said friends and family and sometimes strangers that I should start a blog. My argument, however flimsy it may seem to all you technophiles out there, is that I find something nostalgic and romantic in the printed word. I am sure you have all see that kindle commercial where the girl is waxing on about the weight and feel of a book in opposition to the kindle. "But you don't get the rewarding feeling of actually folding down the page." is a tactile requirement for me. Though I can see the benefits of a light weight, extremely portable device that I can read "on the go" as opposed to hefting around Tolstoy in my napsack all day. (HA HA but let's be serious, no one has ever really read ALL of War and Peace *wink)
The dawning, or I guess I missed most of that, mid-day of this technological boom has been something to behold indeed. I just recently swapped out my original cell phone that I received in 2004 when I started my cellular subscription for a smart phone. It does everything but my dishes. Soon the day will come when my generation's children have holographic screens projected from there smart phones that are implanted in one's forearm at birth for easy access. This is the technology I fear and probably the more stout reason for my aversion to starting a blog.
However; I thoroughly enjoy my dad's blog entries, and am quite miffed on days when he has not written anything. It is through this experience that I have come to accept, and somewhat enjoy, this informational overload we call the interwebs. (Although I'm sure no one talks like that anymore)
On a side note; as it is now 2012, I feel we are more than past due for our flying automobiles. I urge all of you to write your congressmen demanding to know where we stand on the latest aviatric hatchback technology. Forget foreign policy and let's all focus on what we really want...A flying car.
You think you are miffed on days I haven't written anything. I am sitting here crying, having night screaming, bleeding fingers and broken guitar strings if I can't write.
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking up the slack, love Dad...