Earlier this week I found a car bumper on the sidewalk. Of course I brought it home. Peter being the understanding husband that he is knew I would make something awesome for the apartment out of it. And I did.
I started by sawing off the broken pieces on the ends. Then I spray painted the whole thing gold. When life gives you lemons you know ;-). Then I made the letters by decoupaging torn up road maps. Perhaps a close up of one so you can see.
Next the mounting to the wall which I admit was stressing me out a bit, but as you can see I pulled it off.
Why Love City? You may be asking. Peter and I live right above a convenience store called Tobacco City and we often joke that everything on our block should be named something City. Food City for the grocery store, Movie City for the movie rental place, Alcohol City for the bar, and we live in ...you guessed it LOVE City.
Yeah we do.